Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

01/1989 January

Sunday 1st January 1989, rest day.

Monday 2nd January 1989

1000 In & on duty
Statement re Paul Moss
1130 To C.A.T.
1705 Retn to office & refs
1800 Off duty
2125 To office re late flight
To C.A.T.
2345 Off duty
0050 Commence observation re Elliott Street, Pembroke Not claimed
0150 Conclude observation
Attempt to locate ‘Horse’ Darrell in company with 519 & 109
0230 Arrest I** Whitter re poss. Cocaine. C#890176 refers
0245 To HPS
0330 Off duty

Tuesday 3rd January 1989

Rest day
0835 Submit exhibit re Ian Whitter – to office Not claimed
0915 Off duty
1500 On duty for HMC, case of Albert Allen
1600 Off duty – Allen maintain N/G plea, evidence given and fined $750

Wednesday 4th January 1989

0900 On duty
0915 To HMC with DS Gordon & to analyst re collection of exhibits V. Dill and reports re Outerbridge, Allen & Lewis
0950 To office for meeting
1035 To HPS re prisoner return of Allen & Lewis
Lewis bailed to HMC 8-2-89
1155 Retn office
To SOCO re exhibits V. Dill for P.I. 5.1.89
Retn exhibits to DS Pett
1220 To refs – gym

if you wish to see the banal comments of Detective Inspector Norrell Hull (endorsed by Detective Inspector Dennis Ramsey) with regard to overtime, please click on the thumb nail below. Do bear in mind that the diary you are reading was endorsed to the effect that overtime was not being claimed for the additional hours performed. Such was (is?) the pettiness of the narcotics office.

890104 diary

1307 Patrol i/c 386 & 375 St. Monica’s Road, Middle Town
1450 Arrest Wilfred George Mathews for obstruction MDA C#8900353 refers. Found in possession of birth certificate in name of GEORGE. Enquiries via Govt. office registry and Passport office
1640 Retn office assist 372 at St Monica’s re 1044
Search of Bean’s address @ Mission re. Poss. Cannabis w/I to supply
1825 To office, complete search warrant re Paul Perrinchief on instructions of PS 48
1840 To Dr. Stowe’s residence re sign warrant
1900 Off duty

Thursday 5th January 1989

0615 On duty re P.I. papers for HMC case of Vernon Dill Not claimed
0700 On re search P*** Perrinchief – Rec. View Hill. Premises empty
0735 To Middle Road, Devonshire re enquiry by 372, as ‘back-up’
0825 Retn office and complete files re Vernon Dill, obtain exhibits from DS Pett
0845 To HMC in company with D.I. Hull re P.I.
0940 Retn office, warn witnesses re case of R. Smith, W. Smith and A. Allen, all for HMC 11am
1010 To HPS re D****** Allen, bail for 8.2.89
1030 HMC R. Smith & W. Smith same person. Change of plea, fine total $250
1120 A. Allen change of plea, drug equipment, fine $500. Allen to HPS no time to pay.
1135 Collected form HPS by D6, 386 & 286, patrol Middletown, St Monica’s and court Street
1220 Retn office for change of clothing
1233 Out on patrol
1330 Retn refs
1400 Retn office. Complete file re Ian Whitter
1425 Out in 06530 to HMC re warrant for Phinn @ Canadian hotel, await magistrate
1530 To Canadian hotel, address unoccupied
1550 Arrest of Noel & Kevin Hodgson on Queen Street re Obstruction MDA & VRA

  • Noel Hodgson was subdued with a hip throw; Ogoshi, referred to in the pocket book entry.

1605 To ops with 08264 and Kevin & 286
1625 To HPS
1630 To HMC obtain warrant from Magistrate (Mr Cox) re Hodgsons
1730 To Hodgson address for search with 386, 286, 375, 48, Patrick Parks & DS Gordon
1940 Leave address to HPS
2000 To 253 re injury to L Hand and off duty

Friday 6th January 1989

0845 On duty
0907 Convey 06530 to ops re repair
Correspondence re Hodgson, submit analyst reports and collate information
1310 To SOCO photograph exhibits
1335 To office – seal exhibits & submit
1425 To HPS i/c 386, 286 & 48
1458 Take statement from Noel Hodgson
1520 Statement concluded
1525 Record of Q & A recorded
1610 Record concluded
1715 To office off duty
1800 To office complete diary and intelligence re George Matthews, update computer re warrant for Matthews and add alias Not claimed
2000 Off duty
2100 On duty re C.A.T. observation – DS48
2400 Off duty
Saturday 7th January and Sunday 8th January 1989 rest days.

Monday 9th January 1989

0900 On duty
Complete files for typing 1. Kirk Derosa 2. Ian Whitter
10o7 Out on patrol i/c 386 Field
1015 Paul Perrinchief located @ Rec View Hill, Dev., to Narco for drug search. Papers served by C/I Ramsey
1035 Out patrol to Front Street
Patrol incubator – out of vehicle to surrounding area for observation point
1135 Arrest of Jack Henderson at Crane Lane, Pembroke, re lookout by 372. to HPS
1155 Leave HPS for office
1205 Refs @ gym
1250 Office update diary
Patrol St Monica’s and incubator
1345 Arrests John Jones and Reidar Carlson re poss. of cannabis to HPS
1430 To incubator re information, search of area, no trace
1540 Stop on Union Street of Dean Edwards, uniform attends and issues tickets
1615 To office
Assist DC Wylie re transportation
1700 Retn to office and off duty

Tuesday 10th January 1989

0833 On duty
Statement re Desilva
0955 Patrol i/c 386
1010 Middletown stop. D**** Crockwell – Intel E # 8900003656
1021 St Monica’s Rd., stop J**** Cyrus – Intel E # 8900003658
1032 Retn office update computer
1050 To HMC with DC Mead
1055 To prosecutions with PC Richardson
1105 Patrol of city area
1130 Arrest of Michael Burt possession drug equipment C # 8900883 refers
Patrol St Monica’s and Loyal Hill
1300 Refs @ PRC
1325 To office update diary
Patrol city & then West to Ord Road
1525 Arrests @ Middle Rd., Warwick of D***** Folk and G****** Osbourne re possession of drug equipment and possession of five bottles of spirit believed stolen
Western CID contacted to pursue investigation
1715 Retn to office with exhibits
1730 Off duty

Wednesday 11th January 1989

0900 On duty
Submit exhibits re Folk and Osbourne
1000 To HPS re bail returns
1045 Patrol of Middletown and Loyal Hill
1120 To office
1125 To HMC re S****Degraff. Evidence given fine $250
1240 Retn office and update diary
1250 To refs gym
1345 To office
Patrol Loyal Hill, St Monicas
1445 Arrest Marvin Stovell / Bean, possession of prohibited weapon C # 8900989

  • in his left hand the subject was carrying a flick-knife

1500 To HPS
1510 To HMC – magistrate Cox for search warrant
1517 From HPS to address of Stovell / Bean. Search of premises with 375 & 386. Negative (via Narco for search kit)
1615 Retn HPS. Interview – informal – and bail to 31.1.89. To Ord Road, Warwick re possible observation 12.1.89 with 386
1730 Retn office
1745 Off duty

Thursday 12th January 1989

0845 On duty complete papers re submission of exhibit Stovell / Bean
Complete file re Stovell / Bean for typing
Prepare file re N. Hodgson
1119 To HMC re Wayne Hanley – off. Words. Evidence given
1240 Return to office re. briefing – Ord Rd.
1310 Out to Ord Rd., re observation
1620 Arrest Stanley Walenciak C # 8901108 obstruction MDA my old ‘friend’ Stanley WalenciakClick here for more information.

1655 Retn Ord Rd
Detain A****** Smith N*** Saleem for search MDA – to HPS
1830 Interview Stanley Walenciak
1910 Interview concluded
Walenciak bailed
1930 Retn to office await remainder of Street Team re possible further activity Ord Rd.
1945 Off duty

Friday 13th January 1989

0845 On duty
Update computer re Case # 8901091
Complete Walenciak file for typing
1010 Book out radio and change for observation at incubator. No vehicles
1050 Retn office
1115 Patrol and to A.G.’s chambers with PS 48
Patrol Loyal Hill, Middle Town, Court Street, St. Monica’s
1400 Refs @ gym
1500 Retn office update diary
1545 Out to City with Mike Jent
1615 Retn office and create case # 8901202 re found property
1700 Off duty
Saturday 14th January & Sunday 15th January 1989 rest days.

Monday 16th January 1989

0810 On duty re enquiries D***** Moniz Not claimed
File completion re D**** Easton for HMC on 23-1-89
0950 Submit file re A****** Thomas C#31910/88 & Kirk Derosa C# 31908/88 to PS 48 Gordon with summary for Walenciak for typing Note ps 48 is Gordon – put in abbreviations
1040 Completion of summary re Noel Hodgson
1115 To incident room with DC Mathews re informant
1210 Retn officeInsert

  • diary stamp ‘ good work’ Hey look, the teacher gave me a gold star!

1218 Out patrol with 286 & 375 to Ord Road, via incubator
Patrol of Ord Road area
1430 Refs @ 245’s address
1530 Retn office and re submit statement re E Desilva
1600 Patrol alone, observation at Elliot Street re Princess Street address
1715 To c/insp office re earlier search of T***** Todd and Mr Wilson’s presence. Advice received Not claimed
1730 Off duty

Tuesday 17th January 1989

0850 On duty, check & correct summary for Hodgson file
Enquiries re E**** E***** Young with regard to lack of prosecution. WPC Armstrong @ prosecutions informed and states Young failed to attend HMC on 6-1-89. warrant issued
1030 Out to HMC with 286 & 375
Patrol Middletown static observation with 375
1200 Retn HPS & collect 286 & patrol
1400 Refs in Hamilton
1530 Collected from City by 286 & patrol
1550 Retn office
Enquiries re HMC witnesses for trial on 6-2-89 – S**** Simmons
Enquiries re outstanding accident ref: City 90.file
1700 Off duty

Wednesday 18th January 1989

0900 On duty
Files for L. Joseph & M. Smith checked a/c for bail today. Enquiries regarding analyst’s certificate reveal not yet prepared
0930 Obtain exhibit re Jerome Smith for HMC today @ 1030
0935 To ops. With D5 for TCD
0950 Retn office
0955 To HPS re bail returns
Lincoln Joseph attends HPS and bailed to 22nd February 1989 @ HMC
1025 To HMC PC Noble, 561 not present, case dismissed, no evidence offered case of Smith
1035 See Insp. Duffy case of Smith
1040 To HPS
With 375 & 386 to Court Street, assist uniform with arrest Derek Darrell at Tills Hill.
1120 To HPS met by Maurice Smith, Smith bailed to HMC for 22.2.89
1130 Leave HPS with 386, 375 & 286, Patrol Court St., St Monica’s and Middletown areas
1200 To office & refs @ gym
1300 Retn office, submit warrant re Bean to collator
Type warrant for Middletown address
1345 Out with 386 to Govt. Doctor
1500 Retn to office, collect 375 & 286 patrol – stop / search book refers
1715 Off duty

Thursday 19th January 1989

0820 On duty update stop register re searches yesterday
0840 Enquiries re persons stopped – 1036 – 1039 – negative. Obtain copy of Pembroke warrant
0900 Contacted by Lincoln Christopher – fail to attend HPS 18-1-89 re bail. Will attend HPS today @ 1400 hrs
0915 Complete files for Joseph and Smith, ready for submission
1035 Files re Allen & Lewis completed, ready for submission
Enquiries re RTA ref: City 90
To HMC with PC Field, Mathews & Richardson
Patrol of city
1230 Refs
1330 Retn to office
Files for 1. Lewis, 2. Allen, 3. Joseph, 4 Smith complete and passed to PS 48
1410 To A.G.’s chambers with PS48. Miss Bean to GPO
1445 Retn office
Patrol of City area with 386 & 286, search book refers
1530 Arrest on warrant Ervin Young @ Palmetto Road
1700 Retn to office and off duty
1745 To office re observation at St. John’s Rd., Pemb. With DS O’Mera
2000 Off duty

Friday 20th January 1989

0805 On duty, update diary Not claimed
0830 Collect 06530 from garage
Enquiries via computer re Gardner and Lincoln Narc. Intel 9/89
0930 Patrol Ord Road, Paget / Warwick
Observation at Ord Rd in progress
1255 In company 369 detail John Edness for search MDA and convey to Hotel. Search negative
1340 Arrest V****** Hayward re possession of drug – cocaine
1740 Off duty Not claimed

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd January 1989, rest days.

Monday 23rd January to Friday 27th January 1989, C.I.D. course (interrupted by various court attendances)

Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January 1989, rest days.

Monday 30th January 1989

0805 On duty @ office Not claimed
0840 To HPS re caution of Bloom by Insp. Every
0940 Summons served on Vernon Dill
0950 To office
Compile file re Desilva
1030 To Ass. Comm. Moniz office re Robinson hearing
1100 File re E. Desliva to Insp Hill
Complete Walenciak file
Statement completed re N Spencer, copy PC 574
1200 File to prosecutions re E Desliva
1250 To DS Omera’s residence re vehicle keys
1315 Patrol in company of DC Mead
1450 Stop Rawlins, ****** and ******* Stewart, register #25 refers
1530 Noel Hodgson & ****** Edwards stopped, register #27 refers
1550 Arrest of Kevin Dillas for theft of cycle L685. To HPS, PC Small informed and attends
1635 To office & complete diary
1715 Off duty

Tuesday 31st January 1989

0830 To office
Antecedents enquiries for files
0910 To HPS re service of papers on Irvin Dill. Dill fail tot appear
To Warwick post office re Bartley enquiry. To HPS re post box enquiry
To office return vehicle to J.I.S.
1035 Photocopying re First Trip II trial for PS 48
1105 To post office – enquiries
Patrol Middletown, Court Street and enquiries re Marvin Stovell / Bean
1210 To office and refs / gym
1315 Retn office
1400 To HMC re M Stovell
1500 Patrol
1615 To office update diary complete and submit file re Walenciak to Insp Hill
1700 Off duty

Next – 02/1989 February