I am starting to settle in to the department … the diary entries become more thorough toward the end of the month.
A reasonable number of arrests, to include the odd offence of theft – being a narcotics officer does not prevent you from thinking or acting like a police officer and considering and acting upon other offences. Sadly, this appeared to below some in the department. Theft of jewellery from Crissons and suspected theft of a motorcycle join the slew of people stopped and arrested for minor drug offences.
Wednesday 1st February 1989
0900 On duty, check files re Outerbridge & Smith to
1000 HPS re bail return of same
1105 Patrol re enquiries about Mount Hill. Pemb.
1220 Stop, Anthony Raynor of Mount Hill. Search register #31 refers
1300 refs
1400 On duty at office enquiries re intel 9/98 & 14/98
1505 Out to HMC re warrants to be signed and enquiries at Canadian Hotel
1540 Retn to office and to CRO re pre. Cons Walenciak, Smith, Joseph, Allen & Lewis
Above fiels to Insp. Hill
1615 Further enquiries re Mount Hill, Raynors address.
1700 Enquiries re Lindo & Gardner
1730 Out re interview of **** Reid @ Canadian Hotel Not claimed
1850 In to office and enquiries re 22026 & 16187
1900 Off duty
Thursday 2nd February 1989
0430 In to office
0500 On duty re search with DS O’mera
0750 Retn to office
Enquiries re Lindo / Gardner. Complete enquiries re o/s traffic accident ref. City90 – Case#8800092949
0910 Patrol inc ompany 117 re Gardner address
0930 Refs in town
1030 Patrol 117 of Gorham Road & City
1100 To Bermudiana Hotel re obs on 3-2-89
1120 Patrol Spanish Point
1205 Stop / search ****** Davis @ Berkley Rd. Search reg # refers
1230 Arrest Troy Weeks re sus. theft of wrist watch and obstruction. To HPS. WPS Allchin informed It’s not all narcotics – will take any crime!
- WPS Juanita Allchin / Shaw a.k.a. ‘Momma One’ … another of those who appeared to take delight in any action that caused me discomfort … but was later to be the subject of some embarrassment when a formal complaint made against DC Severin (with whom I was patrolling) , went astray … WPS Allchin / Shaw ‘lost’ the documentation … shame !
1255 To office re update computer E#8900012526
1310 DS Shaw informed re watch and negative search on PNC
1313 Mr McLarnon contacted @ Crissons re watch, appointment made for 1415
1320 Mrs KarenWeeks @ HPS informed re circumstances of husband’s arrest and supplies pars’ (particulars) of watch. Station constable PC Himbury informed re procedure and that will attend HPS @ 1500hrs, to be passed to WPS Allchin
1325 Gaoler informed re above
Update computer re Weeks C#8902946
Complete notes.
1410 Ro CRO re Smith / Ratteray & Pre cons Dill
1450 To Crissons re Weeks – wrist watch
1519 To HPS
1535 Interview Troy Weeks
1617 Concluded
1630 Karen Weeks arrested re theft of Watch
1645 Statement Karen
1708 Statement concluded
1730 K Weeks bailed
1750 T Weeks bailed
1800 Off duty
2000 On duty re searches with DS O’Mera
2015 Property re Weeks sealed
2040 To Dandy Town, St Johns Road and arrest of Delroy Reid for possession of cannabis C#9802988
2050 To HPS
2130 To Spanish Point with team
2155 Retn to office update computer re Reid and seal exhibits
2230 Off duty
Friday 3rd February 1989
0735 On duty at office complete seizure reports for Weeks and Reid Not claimed
0810 Inform gaoler, PC Watkinson that Reid and DS O’Mera’s prisoner to be processed.
Exhibit re R. Smith obtained from HMC
Antecedent and pre cons for Dill complete
0900 To HPS. Caution ******* Black – DS O’Mera’s arrest
0915 To HMC re ID of E. Young
1015 To Court #2 re R. Smith adj. Warrant issued
1130 Retn to office, update diary
1150 Stop 18908 with ******* Breary and ******* Wilson search register 38 & 37 refers
1300 Refs PRC
1400 Retn to office
1410 To City and TCD re intel. Enquiries
1545 Stop **** Govia search register #36
1635 Stop ********* Augustus search regsister # 35
1645 Stop 1. ***** Bean search reg # 33
2. ******** Smith search reg # 34
3. **** Trott search reg # 32
1700 To office and update search register
1730 Off duty
1943 Out of office re observation V. Dill Not claimed
2345 Obs completed Not claimed
Saturday 4th February 1989
1000 On duty. Enquiries re Ratteray, Lindo, Gardiner
1110 Out with DS21
1120 Arrest ***** Butterfield re warrant and suspicion of importing cannabis
To HPS re computer update
1214 Leave HPS with J.I.S. to airport
1700 Retn office for refs
1800 Off duty
Sunday 5th February 1989
0900 On duty @ office & patrol
0930 Stop of ***** Green, search register #39
0940 To Mount Hill address for info
1040 Retn office. Typing re intelligence, Lindo, Ratterary, Minors
1200 Refs
1300 Retn office, update diary, enq re **** Furbet, complete diary
1400 Out re enquiries @ Warwick re Minors & Smith hse location & Mangrove Rd re Lindo & patrol City.
1420 Stop **** Wolffe search reg # 40
1500 Return to office due to defective vehicle radio, book out hand set
To Warwick, search of Khyber pass area and locate 20649. Unable to locate premises ‘Wilson’
1700 Return to office and enquiries re 20649, computer down, search register completed
1730 Off duty
Monday 6th February 1989
0900 On duty re HMC – Stobo with 277
0915 To HPS re exhibits Stobo
0920 To HMC 277 gives evidence, Court changed from #2 to #3
1015 277 in to give evidence
1115 In to give evidence
1200 Complete evidence and exhibits with prosecutor off duty
Tuesday 7th February 1989
0850 On duty @ office re HMC – ****** Green – obtain exhibits for case
1000 Retn from HMC, exhibits to DS Pett
1500 On duty @ office and to HMC re K Deshields, not guilty plea
1545 Retn to office. Deshields adjourned to 4-5-89
Wednesday 8th February 1989
0825 On duty at office, complete statement for 375 re Mathews
0910 Exhibits for Whitter & to HMC
0930 Whitter failed to appear, warrant issued
0950 Return to office
1000 To HPS prisoner returns, Mr & Mrs Weeks & Caesar
1050 Retn to office with 286
Contact Kim White re Walenciak. Informed Whitter attends HMC and for Court 1430
1105 To HMC re Webb with 286 &117
1210 Retn office
Enquiries re ******* Furbert
1230 To HPS & Prosecutions re case of Whitter for HMC @ 1415 8/2/89
1300 To office & refs
1400 To PRC – office photographs
1415 To HMC re Whitter, Allen & Lewis
1530 To Burch’s guest house, N. Shore enq. Re Ratteray
1630 To office update diary & enqs re Ratteray
1700 Off duty
Thursday 9th February 1989
0900 On duty; file re Outerbridge & Hayward completed
1045 To HPS with Russell collection & interview of prisoner
1100 To I/R @ Prospect
1145 To office
1200 Refs Bombay
1300 To office. Enquiries re J. Lindo intelligence
1350 To Maxi Mart, Soton re Lindo enquiry with Mr ***** Riederer
1500 Retn to office update computer re K Douglas lookout. Complete file re T. Weeks
1700 Off duty
Friday 10th February 1989
0845 To office and update diary. Complete file re ******* Caesar. Initiate file for ***** Weeks submit statement for K & T Weeks for typing.
Warrant printout obtained
Enquiries re D Reid C# 8902988
Complete file re D Reid
1015 To property office retn / submit wrist watch re ***** Weeks
To HPS to collect 286
Statement re Stovell completed
1215 Refs @ gym
1315 Retn to office update record of work
1400 Arrest of E. Desilva – Com. Wt. Case # 8902027 refers to HPS
1515 Return to office update computer
Complete file re T. Weeks, update computer re K Douglas
1530 Arrest: ******** Smith re drug equipment & possession of jewellery case # 890 refers.
To HPS & CID re jewellery
To Tulls Hill with DS Clayton, search of area no trace
Retn to CID office and label exhibits
1630 Retn to office
Update dairy
1700 Off duty
Saturday 11th February 1989 rest day
Sunday 12th February 1989
0500 On duty re searches of Soton
0750 Search at Burch’s guest house, Devonshire, negative
0810 Retn to office
0830 Off duty
Monday 13th February 1989
0825 On duty into office
Re Eversley – message from 286 for bail to 12.04.89
0830 Gaoler contacted and informed Eversley to be processed. PC Watts informed re above. PS Hamlett informed bail pars. Available – busy, to retn call.
Update computer re case #’s:
To HMC re ******* Davis – trial now set for 13-3-89
Patrol i/c 117
1200 Refs
1300 Patrol
1320 Stop ****** Lodge search register # 44 refers
1335 Stop **** Glassford. Search register # 45 refers
1400 Retn to office
Collect exhibits re trail of ****** Mathews and to HMC with 375
1440 Matthews fail to appear, warrant issued
1450 Retn to office, update files case#’s:
1600 Computer check re Yamaha engine # 5506 on C294 – ridden by **** Glassford
1625 Complete file re **** Weeks and update comp. Re case # 890246 and to DS Omera
1633 Call P. Riederer
1635 Enquiry re 24060 with com ops 1037 – unable to assit, no address given
1700 Off duty
Tuesday 14th February 1989
0830 on duty. Update computer files
0900 to City and statement from S**** Thornton re T & K Weeks – watch – Crissons, enquiries re ownership
1100 patrol with 117 to Mount Hill
1300 retn to office and PRC refs
1400 to office. complete file re K. Weeks
1515 patrol with 334
1530 stop R***** Tyrell register # 46 refers
1545 stop & search S***** Smith – register #47 refers
1555 arrest Wendell ‘Bull’ Smith case #8904027 refers re poss. heroin. To HPS update computer
1630 patrol
1635 stop K***** Mello search register #48 refers
1640 to office, complete diary & search register
1700 off duty
Wednesday 15th February 1989
0830 on duty
complete intelligence re Smith / Ratteray & complete computer entry
0920 to HPS re Smith – arrest from 14.2.89. Verbal interview of Smith
1050 to C/CID with 286 re info on Tills Hill
1120 patrol Court Street and Curving Ave.
1150 retn to office, enquiries re D**** Pots (Crockwell?) and Ian (coke?)
enquiries re circulation of D**** Richardson re 1036 believed @ Tills Hill where property seen
1215 refs in office
1315 patrol with 286
1325 stop & search S****** Pasley reg # 49 refers. To office & type warrants re Middle Town Road and Princess Street. Enquiries re both.
1415 to HMC – warrants issued
1435 stop A**** Smith. E#89000172382 refers
1455 Att to arrest T**** Cann C# 8904128 refers
1510 search of Curving Ave., with task force, neg. after veh. to ops
1545 retn to office update computer re lookout and incident. Enquiries with CRO. Update diary
1700 off duty
Thursday 16th February 1989
0400 On duty re searches
0815 to residence of T**** Cann re C#8904128. Cann arrested
0825 to HPS with Cann
0910 Call W****** Simmons (295 1001) re son – T**** explain situation
0921 call Mr Prasad – T’s Barrister re incident arrange to meet @ noon
0935 update diary & to room to change clothing
0950 retn to office
1010 out patrol with DC Mead re search St Augustine’s Hill & Court St for N002
1145 to HPS meet Mr Prasard re prisoner Cann. Verbal interview of Cann in presence of Mr Prasad.
1235 Cann bailed to retn on 1-3-89
1315 to office & refs
1400 off duty
1405 vehicle impound officer informed re vehicle parts on Cann’s cycle G134, coming from N546 not claimed
enquiries with garage @ com ops reveal G134 has defective front brake. G134 to be examined for stolen parts
Friday 17th February 1989
0845 to office
0900 contacted vehicle impound officer re Cann’s motorcyle
0915 WPC Corriera – impound office – returns call and further checks being made on engine of Cann’s vehicle G134.
complete statement re Lionel Ming
0945 file completed for K Weeks & for typing
1005 file re Outerbridge completed and to DS Omeara
1025 file re W****** Caesar submitted to DS Omera
1045 file re S**** Furbert to DS Omera. File for typing – T**** Cann
meet with Task Force and to St Monica’s area via Friswells Hill, with Street Team
1215 to St Monica’s Mission. Arrest K**** Davis C#8904329 re obstruction MDA & warrant c#8902844
to HPS, update computer entries & interview Davis
1345 Earl Kirby @ Prosecutions informed re warrant of Davis
Cal Smith @ warrants (prosecutions0 informed re Davis and confirms presence of file.
1430 to HPS to meet with Street team
1500 patrol – Ord Road, Camp Hill, Jones’ village, Ord Road, Paget Primary
1615 arrest H***** Tucker possession cocaine @ Paget Primary. To HPS
1645 statements commenced
1717 statement concluded
1740 to Narco office and update computer
1750 retn to HPS
1815 Tucker bailed from HPS, to office
1830 off duty – to refs
1930 update diary & off duty
Saturday 18th February 1989
0800 On duty @ office re search with CID
0845 To central CID and then to Court Street re search
1035 S***** Liburd stopped at St Monica’s Rd
1058 M***** L** Woolridge stopped & searched Loyal Hill
1200 Off duty
1415 Donald Simmons stopped & searched Glebe Road Reg# Not claimed
1425 Foot chase of Jack Henderson. Exhibits seized, lost in St Mnica’s area C#8904476
1500 To HPS and the office with exhibits. Complete computer entry and seal exhibits
1600 Off duty Not claimed
Sunday 19th February 1989 – rest day
Monday 20th February 1989
0800 To office, update diary Not claimed
Complete intel 9/89 re Lindo & submit to DS O’Mera
Further enquiries re W***** Minors negative
1020 Complete computer entry 8904642 (C#) re Lindo
1100 To Mr Moniz office re Robinson disciplinary
1200 Retn to Narco office & refs @ PRC
1300 Retn to office complete for typing files re H***** Tucker and T**** Cann. Prepare file re Henderson for typing
1455 Cann & Tucker papers for typing to DS O’Mera.
Complete statement re M Lewis
Intel 14/89 enquiries and intel enquiries re M Furbert
1635 Complete file re K Weeks
1700 Off duty
Tuesday 21st February 1989
0830 To office
Complete criminal intel 14/89 re Minors
0920 To address of K**** Davis @ #4 Border Lane South re warrant for arrest. M***** seen and supplies new address at Tribe Road #1.
0945 To Tribe RD #1. Davis not at home – no reply
0955 To St Monica’s Misson re lookout for Jack Henderson
1000 Arrest:
1. Jack Henderson – poss cannabis on 18.02.89
2. M****** Lewis – stealing motorcycle
3. T***** Ming – stealing motorcycle C# 8902688
4. D***** Fough – warrant C#8904722
Case # 8904737 refers
1035 To HPS book in above persons
1055 To office and complete C#8904737 re arrests. Update C#8904476
1200 Refs @ PRC
1300 Retn to office, liase with cycle squad. PC Greenwich to complete enquiries re cycles
Further update of C#8904737
Complete intelligence 17/89
1430 PC Greenwich to attend Narco re Henderson – PC Greenwich @ HPS about to interview Henderson about other matters.
1445 To Ops re cycles in pound, ensure present and obtain description for computer
1455 Inform PC Richardson re impounded vehicle
1510 Richard Hector contacts self re Henderson, informed that ongoing enquiries by PC Greenwich and given brief details of earlier incident and subsequent investigation. Was under the impression that Jack detained re ‘obstruction’, informed incorrect and given detailed account.
1515 To Ops to label and secure Henderson’s cycle. From impound vehicle office, contact PC Greenwich informs me that he dealing with Henderson cycle enquiries and PC Phillips will deal with Ming and Lewis
Henderson’s cycle J806 checked, engine & chassis # 19L003991 all correct, impound card completed and officer informed re position that cycle can be released.
1550 PS 245 informed that Henderson has no D/L (driver’s licence) and to issue ticket re 18.02.89
1600 Case # 8904737 updated
1610 To HPS
1620 Statement taken from Jack Henderson
1640 Statement concluded
1650 Record of Q & A from Jack Henderson
1755 Record concluded
1810 To office and off duty
Wednesday 22nd February 1989
0845 To office. Proof read statement re Lionel Ming & hand to 369 complete file for typing re Jack Henderson.
0925 Submit criminal intels to DS O’Mera 17/89 & 14/89, Henderson file to DS O’Mera. Update computer re C#8902688 – Ming & Lewis, Case # 8904722 – Fough, C#8904737 – Henderson. Complete statement re Henderson, Ming & Lewis
1055 To Prosecutions with 375 & 386
1135 Retn to office and conveyed copy of statement Q322 key & prisoner’s rights form to PC Phillips @ cycle squad
1205 Refs
1305 Return to office
1330 Meeting
1420 To HMC re service of analyst reports on L Joseph and M Smith. Smith fails to show by 1445
1455 Return to office. Enquiries re K Davis – now in custody. Update C#8904737 re female Dill
1540 To Com Ops research of vehicle with task force
1555 Begin search with Anthony Brown and Ricardo Walker
1614 Complete search
1620 To office
1630 Office meeting
1700 Off duty
Thursday 23rd February 1989
0845 On duty at office. Update C#8904737 re civil and subject details of Merele Dill. Add to text
0930 To City with 369 – D6. To Stonington collect Alan Wilcox an convey to office
1035 To City collect 369
1115 Retn to office, prepare for observation re Loyal Hill
Insert stamp?
1212 Out to Loyal Hill for observation with WPC Brady and 286 Matthews. Maintain observation
1241 Conclude observation. Leave Loyal Hill, meet with 386 and drive into ‘incubator’
1250 Seize plastic package containing seeds Case # 8904924 refers
1320 Return to office re submission of seeds via Cedar Park. 1036 on A****** Smith negative. To office and corres re seeds
1350 To refs @ PRC
1410 Return to office
1412 Submit wrappings of seeds to PC Trott at SOCO
1415 Return to office and update diary
1430 Receive narco intel. Enquiries re persons named in intelligence
1548 Out with WPC Brady to id. House listed in intelligence @ Union Street
1634 Return to office, intelligence enquiries
1715 Off duty
Friday 24th February 1989
0835 To office and on duty. Enquiries re Carols Tavares – negative. Information received re Maderos @ St Johns Road
0950 To TCD re photographs of Madeiros. To Madeiros home address to locate possible vehicles.
1005 Observation of football match at St Johns Road
1135 Conclude observation. Patrol of Berkley Road area. Stop & search reg # 59
1225 Stop and search H Ford search reg #56
1240 Return to office and refs at PRC
1325 Return to office and update diary
1345 Refs @ PRC, gym
1445 Return to office and to HMC re warrants
1530 Mr Judge signs warrants return to office
1550 Enquiries re intel – Corbin and others
1700 Off duty
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th February 1989 – rest days
Monday 27th February 1989
0840 On duty at office. Obtain exhibit and papers re Astwood
0900 To HPS – see George Matthews re passport
0915 To HMC re Astwood
0955 Complete evidence. To HPS await Delta units for search.
1026 To Union Street re search warrant R**** Spence Case #890 refers
1205 Arrests:
R******* Spence
N***** Joel
G****** Talbot
R******* Tucker
Re possession of heroin with intent to supply
1235 Interview and record statement from R******* Spence
1302 Conclude statement
1320 Leave HPS return to office via Berkley Rd
1340 Stop and search W***** Davis reg # 58 refers
1355 To office. Computer update and enquiries re earlier arrests. To HPS
1517 Interview and record statement from Talbot
1521 Interview concluded. Return to office and complete corres re exhibits
1650 With C/I Ramsey and Talbot to Mr Scott’s office, Court Street.
Talbot returned to HPS and bailed
To A.G.’s chambers to collect C/I Ramsey
Retn to office.
1800 Refs
1900 Off duty.
Tuesday 28th February 1989
0815 To office. Corres with regard to R. Spence
0845 To HPS re caution of Allan Mathews
0930 Return to office. Complete analysis & exhibit reports re R Spence
1015 To HPS collect DS Pett and DC Mathews
1030 Return to office. Submit exhibits
1050 Cash to SOCO – unable to fingerprint
1100 To office
Complete overtime return and submit.
Enquiries re intel Corbin & others
1230 Refs @ PRC
1330 Retn to office
Further enquiries re Corbin intel
1415 To West – street team out on patrol
1450 Arrest at White Hill field of R***** Simons and to West police station.
Return to central area via White Hill Field. Camp Hill, Jones’ Village, Ord Road, Middle Town, t Monica’s
1630 Detain Raymond ‘Bull’ Smith at St Monica’s for a search MDA & to HPS
1645 Search of Smith and formal arrest re forgery of brother’s signature on traffic ticket C#8905355
1745 Smith identified by WPC 587 Tucker and tickets issued re disqualified driving on 27-2-89
Return to office and complete notes
1800 Off duty
Return to office re visits to HPS Not claimed
Return to office and complete computer entry
Case # 8905355 re Smith
2000 Call R Smith as arranged
Out & off
Next 03/1989 March