The Bermuda Police Service (BPS)

Island Crime & Concerns

  • STABBINGS – knife crime issues – 2024: ‘police have seen 16 incidents of knife crimes this year and that the island could surpass last year’s record of 25 should the trend continue’ (source)

  • EVIDENCE – the BPS seemingly have difficulty with evidence …
    • 10/07/2024 – a man accused of murdering two people at the Robin Hood Pub in October 2021 was freed by the court yesterday due to a lack of sufficient evidence tying him to the killings. Read more here.
    • 30/05/2024 – a judge found, with regard to 3 accused of murder – ‘I concluded that there is no evidence on which you can find beyond a reasonable doubt …’ (30/05/2024 – murder trial)
    • 05/2024 – DNA evidence also appears problematic as highlighted by a miscarriage of justice.  Julian Washington will not be retried for a 2018 murder – an independent review of DNA evidence has been suggested – read more here.

  • CYCLE RENTAL – the potential damagers associated with cycle hire – read more here.

  • POLICE NUMBERS – the size of a constabulary for just 65,000 occupants –  currently about 360 – the lowest since the 1970’s. Whilst this may be considered a sizeable number of police staff for such a small island, the constabulary wants another 100 officers!  It is apparent recognises there is a shortfall, they simply appear to have done little about it.  Read more here