Thursday 1st December 1988

0830 on duty at office. update diary from HPS
0910 to HMC re Stovell (0930hrs) HPS re bail return Lee (@ 1030hrs) and court re Smith (@1130hrs) – exhibits @ HPS re Stovell
0930 HMC re Stovell Ct #3 P.I. re S. Cooper in progress adj. to Ct#2. Not able to hear to Ct 2.
1030 case of R vs Stovell adj. to 7-3-89 @ 0930hrs
1045 to Ct #3 re R vs. M Smith. S Cooper P.I. concluding, 11am case in progress
1200 Richard Hector representing M Smith successfully applies for adjournment to 9-3-89 @ 0930 hrs
1210 to HPS attempt to contact J I S re Dill Info. To office
1230 Speak with PS McLean re Dill on Air Canada flight with 3 women
1245 enter lookout for A Lee fail to appear at 0800hrs today. case # 29214 and 25016 refer
enquiry re C11 – Lee @ HPS via PC Mathews
1325 B Santucci warned for Court 1.12.88 re Fubler. Copy of warning to Prosecutions.
Complete file re K Deshileds C#28474
Complete file re H Johnson C#29145
1500 interview Dennis Moniz @ incident room
1550 to Narcotics office corres re file I Paynter
1615 to HPS re A Lee – arrest case # 25016 & 29214
1640 interview Alvin Lee
1725 interview concluded service of analyst forms nd bailed to HMC 19.12.88 @ 1430 hrs
1815 to Narco office & update computer re case # 29214 – Lee – cancel lookout
1840 off duty

Friday 2nd December 1988

0855 on duty @ office
0915 to C/i office – meeting
0935 to HMC for trial @ 10am, HPS to return exhibits re M Smith (HMC 1-12-88) and to prosecutions dept
1050 to office. Court re Hanley C#14040 warrant issued – fail to appear. Retn exhibits to HPS. Prosecutions enquiry re ticket M871073 Butterfield completed, statement req’d for HMC 20.12.88 @1030. Also confirmed R Wilson now two separate trials on 20.12 and 30.12.88
1115 complete file A Lee case # 25016
1135 statement re Butterfield & sub for typing
1210 to Admin re A Allen ammo’ enquiry
1215 to SOCO re V Dill photo’s & statement from PC Marsh
1225 to office file re I Paynter Case # 29127
1245 to training school to PC Kirkpatrick re ammo’ – D Allen – submit for examination
1300 to PRC refs
1330 to office
lookout for Desilva Case # 29321
submit for typing file I Paynter. Enquiries re cycle Vespa F634 from vehicle impound officer i.e. ability to restore vehicle involved in case against Leonard Brown now complete. Gaye Correira (veh impound officer) informed to restore vehicle.
1432 with 375 & 386 in D5 patrol to HMC 375 to deliver exhibit
patrol Middle Town and Court Street
1455 stop Allen James Smith 10’56 on Livery K472. Negative search MDA
1500 Middle Town Drive, Pemb stop Kevin Greene – search reveal $120 in possession states checking on soft drink for a friend.
1510 arrest Lincoln Christopher CRO # 10885 case # 29342 re poss cocaine to HPS

  • the pocket book entry contains the response when we tried to search this man’s trousers.

1525 prisoner’s rights form served on Christopher
1540 to Middle Town re info from Christopher and att. to apprehend possible supplier. Area searched negative. Possible Donald Dave Desilva responsible – seen @ location
to HPS
1638 to interview room with Christopher. Asks for ‘off record’ info offers new description of supplier ‘Monk’ – Rodney Wilson. Statement recorded from Christopher 375 present, 386 complete computer entry
1758 statement concludes after interview. Christopher wishes to offer further info and provided with means by which to contact 375 / 386 / 217
1830 PS Plant given pars re Christopher for bail to 18-1-89 @ 10am
brother of Christopher seen @ HPS and aggressive
to office
1905 at office analyst reports, seal exhibit update computer submit statement for typing and computer diary
1930 off duty
2210 call at 236 0478 by 277 re info concerning Crane Lane. Advised 277 to contact C/Insp
2215 call to PRC speak with R Greene arrange to Meet with Rudi @ HPS in 1/2 hr. Informed that uniform dealing
2240 to HPS re warrant Crane Lane, already in possession. Await Greene & Richardson a search warrant – not always legally obtained in Bermuda, Click here.

2340 Stood down by Insp Eve re lack of activity. Patrol with 277 & 103 to St Monica’s & Crane Lane this little bit of activity was frowned upon by the OIC Narco … one is not encouraged to use initiative
0055 off duty

Saturday 3rd December 1988

0830 to HPS arrange impound of C810
to office update re C810 enquiries with Rockford Cycles, Anika Outerbridge to contact / attend Narco 5/12/88
1015 off duty
next day, December 4th, a rest day, for December 5th click here

Monday 5th December 1988

0900 on duty
submit – complete – files re Hayes Johnson and Kevin Deshields. Await Anika Outerbridge (236 0589) to make statement re C810 – Christopher. Proof read and correct statement A Lee.
D6 patrol with DC Mathews with parallel vehicle D5, DC Richardson and Field, St Monica’s and Middle Town

1025 arrest of Maurice chevalier Smith C#8800029628 re poss of drug – cannabis
1040 to HPS & manila envelope in gaol area. Smith bailed to 18.1.89 @ 10am
Patrol St Monica’s – quiet
to office submit exhibit re M Smith, complete diary
1210 refs @ PRC
patrol St Monica’s, to Prosecutions, 375 drop off file for 217 re Hayes Johnson
1400 to 4, Happy Valley Road with 375 & 386 re lookout by 386 for occupant. arrest of Laurence Joseph CRO# 16316 poss cannabis case # 29642
to HPS re arrest
to Narco office, see DC Greene re info of supply cannabis @ incubator. To incubator, area searched no trace1530.
1530 to Cedar Park. arrest Lawrence McEwen 25.7.51 poss cannabis
to HPS
1630 to Middle Twon. foot chase and arrest of Antoine Spence re poss drug – crack / cocaine case # 29671 refers
1640 return to HPS, on route stop L1429, passenger Ervin Young, driver Burt Lambe. Ervin Young wanted on warrant C#27708 refers also enq re disq. drive and false info.
Lambe declines to give particulars of passenger
1645 to prosecutions, 286 remain with Young
1650 retn Young who claims to be Earlston (Young)
1652 retn prosecutions verify warrant for Ervin
1700 retn Young, interview re identity and arrest
to HPS, enquiries re Young, interview Spence
1905 to Narco
update computer & submit exhibit re Joseph
1930 off duty

Tuesday 6th December 1988

0855 into office, corres re Dill – prepare for P I complete diary

another endorsement of the work undertaken.
corres @ office – Idrin Paynter file submitted for typing. Enquiries re E Young to establish prosecution proceeding
1100 out on patrol D6 with 375, 386, 286. Patrol of St Monica’s and Middle Town areas

1235 arrest Andre Simons at Parsons Road in possession of cannabis C#29735
to HPS with Simons
1425 to office, corres and update computer re Simons
1532 arrest @ Narco. Curly Baker on warrant from c/insp office C # 15047
to HPS & computer update, driven by H3
1645 retn Narco office
1700 off duty

Wednesday 7th December 1988

0600 on duty re search warrant at Somerset. 2 arrests re possession cannabis at address
0835 refs @ PRC
0900 retn office and patrol St Monica’, Incubator and Middle Town in D6 with 386 & 375
1000 arrest on middle Town Drive of Alfred Butterfield possession of cocaine w/i to supply
the pocket book entry:

to Hamilton Police Station and interview room
1020 search of Reid Street area with 372 as a result of Butterfield’s FALSE description
1030 retn HPS and retn Narco office
to barrack room, clean and change of attire
1042 to HPS re Butterfield
1120 to HMC re case Sandra Smith, without due care. Trial in Ct #2. Evidence given
1155 to HPS
1205 to Warwick with Outerbridge 386, 286, 375, 372 and WPC to search home address. Further drug seized
1420 off duty
1630 return to office, collect papers and attend HPS re Bail retn of I Paynter, juvenile
1645 to HPS
1720 Paynter’s mother attends HPS. Paynter interview and bailed to 28.12.88 @ 10am
1745 off duty

Thursday 8th December 1988

0900 on duty at office re corres. on Perrinchief having been handed intelligence report on 7.12. Enquiries on background via Narco files and search computer entries. Obtain photocopy of residence map. Intel 154/88 refers.
1030 to HPS re Butterfield, in custody from 7.12. Convey Butterfield to SOCO for fingerprints and photograph
1130 to HPS return Butterfield and arrange bail. To office via Rec View Lane (154/88 Intel) view area, 386 identifies specific house
1150 on route stop Michael Gibbons on North Street, negative search
1205 at office complete entry on computer re re Gibbons as intelligence. complete statement and file re I Butterfield, for Court on 20.12 re driving in a manner dangerous.
1425 out to Somerset with 375, 386, 286, 372 re info concerning Ray’s cycles – negative
1605 patrol Court St received info and therefore conveyed Kirk Derosa to HPS for search MDA. Negative.
1700 to office and off duty. To HPS re intel 160/88

Friday 9th December 1988

0500 on duty re search
0545 out to St Georges re search of premise, one arrest by 372
0900 retn to Prospect PRC
0915 to office
out with telescope to GH, obtain permission from David Gibbons to use Percy Cannes Gdn to position scope. Observation commences on Middle Town & Court Street we used the Government House premises and a telescope to Watch Middle Town
1125 stop and search Shane Furbert. Found in possession of $3700 US. Further search reveals cannabis. Arrested and to HPS C#30027 the significance of such a sum of US currency (when Bermuda has its own dollar) can be understood if you consider the price of cocaine, cannabis and heroin and read the pages associated with ‘Drugs of Choice’

1230 to GH collect 386 – left with scope.
1240 begin observation on Middle Town
1320 386, 375 & 286 retn, scope packed and attend Middle Town. Search of area negative.
1355 Convey Furbert to Narco. to see C/Insp
retn cash against receipt and bail to 1-2-89
1455 update files re Furbert on computer
1500 refs
1600 off duty
Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th rest days, for December 12th click here

December 12th 1988

0830 on duty
0835 phone B Santucci 293 2157 warn as witness fr 0930 – reminder. not @ home – message with sister
0840 exhibit from PS Pett re Fubler
0849 PC Belschart warned (reminded) for HMC
0855 new pocket note book issued (#7)
0905 to HMC re Fubler n/g plea in ct~3. Evidence given, found guilty and sentenced to 3 months.
Fubler to HPS
1205 Warrant re Fubler executed @ HPS. Committal for $350 / 35 days
1230 to refs @ PRC
1250 to office, prepare papers for service on Barrister re Vernon Dill

update computer re Fubler. Warrant dated 5/12/88 i.e. new not yet entered on system
1325 out to Vernon Dill’s place of work place to serve papers
1340 Bda Optical closed
1345 to Julian Hall’s – Church Street (Vaucrossen’s. Mr Hall not in.
1405 to Bda Optical, papers re Dill served on Vernon Dill
statement taken from Dill’s employer, Patric Gilfether
1505 to office statement submitted for typing from Gilfether
1520 patrol with 375 Incubator and St Monica’s
1550 arrest @ Mission Lane – Alvin Crane C#30388 disq. driver. Ticket issued
1615 retn to office re enquiries – Perinchief intelligence
1730 off duty

December 13th 1988

0852 on duty @ Narco
0905 to CRO with enquiries into associates of Perinchief
0906 enquiries @ Govt office (295 5151) re birth certificate for I Paynter – to be ready 15.12.88 afternoon
further enquiries of Perinchief
1000 lecture re computer by PC Pybus
1040 complete file re K Deshields & submit to PS48
1048 update record of work
1105 initiate and complete C#8800030388 re process of A Crane – 1039
1200 refs @ city
1300 to HPS re enquiries D Ingham, to retn bail 14.12.88
1335 Leave HPS patrol via Rec View Hill re intelligence Perinchief
1340 to office
1350 update diary
1400 submit summary re Crane for typing
1415 enquiries re Perinchief telephone bill – info from PS Omeara
1445 computer enq re Perinchief & instruction on system by PC Pybus. complete file re Michael Lewis C#28067
1625 to trainign school re statement from PC Kirkpatrick case of D. Allen. Obtain ammo’ exhibit and complete seizure report. Summary of evidence completed re D Allen C#28067. File re M Smith (C#29628) completed & for typing
1740 run case management search on computer and compare to outstanding files i.e. safeguard corres. File completed for typing re L. Joseph case # 8800029642. file completed for typing re S Furbert C#30027
1840 off duty

14th December 1988

0900 on duty
0915 to interview room with Desmond Allen
0945 retn office. enquiries re Nar Int’ (narcotics intelligence) 154/88 & 160/88
1000 to narc. intel records
1053 to PRC re analyst lecture
1230 retn to office
computer enquires re intel 160/88 Stovell / Bean. computer enquiry re Beige Subaru 1800
1500 to HMC re M Robinson & to HPS re bail return D Ingham @ 1600hrs
1640 to office. post lookout D Ingham C# 8800030519
1700 off duty

15th December 1988

0845 on duty
enquiries re Berkley Rd, via computer & Amory intel 154/88
0915 to HPS via Mission re prisoner i/c David Outerbridge C# 30582
0955 interview Outerbridge
obtain warrant for Outerbridge & girlfriend’s address, retn HMC for magistrate
1110 retn office
1215 refs PRC
1300 to office. enquiries re beige Subaru Nar. Int. 160/88
1518 out to Govt office re entry permit – Mead, Birth Certificate – I Paynter & interview with Mr P J Hardy
1635 to office Nar Int Perrinchief
1800 off duty

Friday 16th December 1988

0855 on duty, file re A Crane completed
1000 intelligence 154/88 completed
1025 to HMC re C. Gift trial. Gift fail to appear, warrant issued
1130 refs in town
1255 office & enquiries re narc. int 154/88
1425 out with 375 to HMC with WDC Vickers then patrol Court Street & St Monica’s area
1530 arrest to HPS with Denton Fough disqualified driving and search MDA ticket # M851587 issued for HMC 14-2-89
1655 to office, further enquiries re Narc int 154/88
1740 off duty

Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th, rest days

Monday 19th December 1988

0840 on duty @office
patrol with 375 St Monica’s area and Incubator. Middletown quiet. St Monica’s area bust, static observation maintained
1200 refs @ PRC
1300 to office and enquiries re D Eve and Narc. Int. 154/88
1410 to HMC Ct #1 re Alvin Lee
1545 arrest Robert Lee on directions of Magistrate Mr Cox. Lee giving false particulars to Court and arrested for attempting to pervert the course of justice. To HPS.
1600 statement taken form Lee
1615 Lee statement concluded
Lee bailed to HMC 20-12-88
1710 to office and computer entry re R Lee Case # 8800030998 refers
1800 tp HPS in company PS 48 and street team re assistance to C/ CID
1840 to St Monica’s Mission
1850 arrest Wendall Caesar re possession fo cannabis. To HPS case # 8800031003 refers
update computer
2030 off duty

Tuesday 20th December 1988

0730 on duty. Update fiel re Caesar – C#31003
0845 to HPS re info that Mr Joell will appear having failed to attend HPS 19.12.88 for DS O’Mera
0855 Joell to gaol area, DS O’mera informed
0915 to HMC re Rodney Wilson, adjourned to 20-12-88
0945 to HPS computer enquiry re I. Butterfield
1015 to HMC re I Butterfield, transferred from Ct#2 to Ct#3. Heard at 11am. Plea of guilty, fined $150
1115 to office and refs at PRC
1245 to office and contact PS Giles e R. Lee for HMC @ 1430hrs
complete diary
prepare file re Caesar
1355 to HPS & HMC re R. Lee
1430 HMC re Lee
1513 to HPS with Lee and to interview room with DS Gordon
1600 to office
1615 to HPS re warrants Princess Street and St Monica’s
1700 to office
enquiries re Marvin Stovell – failed to appear @ HMC – poss. disqualified driver
Complete file re Wendell Caesar
update record of work
update file re warrant – Robert Lee
1911 our re Lee – Warwick working man’s club
1936 Lee to Court Street area
1940 to Ops – patrol D6
1943 to office
2012 out re Lee
2030 meet Lee Angle Street j/w North Street and convey to Warwick whilst debrief
2115 to office
2130 off duty

Wednesday 21st December 1988

0830 on duty enquiries re U732
to HPS via St Monica’s mission with 375 & 386 to TCD re U732
to Suzuki centre, East Broadway re U732 ownership
1035 stop Shannon Somersall driving HC300 @ Middletown Road
1048 stop: Kenneth Wilson Palmetto Rd. negative search
1115 stop: Stephen Alamin Palmetto Rd. Negative search
1120 stop: Kevin Trott North Street., Pemb. Negative search @ HPS
1148 to Line Grocery @ Ord Rd. ASNT area all quiet
1225 to refs
1254 retn office enquiries re persons searched during morning
1400 Create intel’ report re W. Benjamin C# 8800031199
create intel’ rpeort re K795 & Crane Lane C# 88000
1700 off duty
2005 In to office re observations @ C.A.T.
2045 to CAT
0015 off duty

Thursday 22nd December 1988

0815 to office
to HMC with DS Gordon & DC Russell
patrol Court Street and St. Monica’s
0950 pursuit of Marvin Lee Wooldridge, ticket by 375 for disqual drive, for HMC 21-2-89 C# 8800031295
1005 stop Clarence Durham Case # 8800031293 refers
1030 incubator stop Randolph Ball, search negative C# 88000??? E# 8800120096
1115 to St Monica’s Mission, arrest of Russill Butterfield apprehension warrant, brother Leroy to Ops. for search. case # 8800031290 refers re intelligence
1205 to refs PRC
1330 to office computer update re Wooldridge, Ball and Durham
1435 patrol with 375 & DS Gordon – Middle Road
1509 to Court Street stop Hayes Johnson and Wade Gibbons in 12655
1525 Glebe Road, Michael Burt stopped driving N136 searched, negative
1630 to office, update diary and computer C#31310 and C#31303 refer
1715 off duty

Friday 23rd December 1988

0900 on duty
complete intelligence 160/88
0945 to vehicle impound office re U732
1030 to office and conclude narc. intel 160/88
1300 refs @ PRC
1400 office & to HMC re P.I. with Insp. Hull
1510 to office
1700 off duty

 Saturday 24th December 1988

1300 to HPS
1310 to St Johns Road. Arrest Edward Desilva re warrant, lookout and drug equipment. to HPS C#8800031517

pocket book entry of the arrest

1625 interview Desilva
1645 interview concluded

881224 pocket book

The above extract gives an indication of the petty, immature manner in which the Bermuda police service conducts itself. Forget initiative, do not use your imagination, suppress your enthusiasm; expect a lack of trust and no common sense.  In this instance, December 24th (Christmas eve) was my day off, a rest day. I had received information that Edward Desilva was at St John’s Road. I therefore went to the police station, confirmed he was still wanted and in company with Sergeant Gibbons ,  found Edward and arrested him. When arrested he was carrying drug equipment; an added bonus.

Another arrest to add the Chief Inspector’s (Dennis Ramsey) statistics, a warrant cleared up and all at no cost to the Bermuda Police Service I was not claiming overtime (see the handwritten ‘NOT O/T’, – not overtime – above).  This did not prevent Norrell Hull from taking issue with the action; so much for the Narcotics office being for professional, mature individuals. Is it any wonder the island has a serious drug problem?

Norrell, think before you write. I went to arrest this person, taking with me a uniform officer who was working that day, following receipt of information that would be irrelevant had I waited until the next day I was to be on duty; 4 days later! Possibly you should have checked my pocket book also – but of course, few officers in narcotics kept accurate diaries or pocket books – far too much of a cowboy outfit for that!

  • Good news from Bermuda’s perspective … Norrell HULL is now long gone … bad news for St Vincent and the Grenadines where this nasty little man can now be found likley in a post that is well suited to his behaviour – politics!

December 25th and 26th (Christmas and Boxing day) rest days, with the 27th December a public holiday in lieu of Christmas day being a Sunday.

Wednesday 28th December 1988

0900 on duty
0930 to HMC re case of Clinton Davis
0950 to Juvenile Court re case of Idrin Paynter – fail to appear – phone mother and arrange to attend HPS @ 0900 on 29-12-88
1100 to HPS with file re Desilva case # 8800023895 for HMC @ 1430hrs today
1130 to prosecutions with Desilva file
1150 arrange CRO convictions for Desilva
1210 to office update diary
1230 refs @ PRC
1315 to office
submit exhibits re Desilva
1340 out with DI Hull re L1204 – Tony Bean
1355 retn office
1405 exhibits submitted re Desilva
1435 to HMC re Desilva and Harris (Court #2)
1530 court re Harris – plea changed to guilty
1610 to office
1700 off duty

Thursday 29th December 1988

0830 on duty re bail return Idrin Paynter at HPS
0910 Paynter’s mother attends HPS
0935 Leave HPS, Paynter fails to attend – papers left with PC 519
0955 to office, check warrants re Bean Stovell and Foggo – negative
1020 out patrol with 375
1045 Anthony Thomas stopped at Loyal Hill, disqual driver, ticket # M851617. case # 3190
1315 Kirk Derosa pursued, case # 31908 refers
1345 to office and refs
1430 to office complete files re Derosa and Thomas, complete computer entries as above.
1600 to HPS re Idrin Paynter file, to prosecutions with file
1625 to Serpentine d. re info about Green Lantern. See occupier / owner
1645 to St Monica’s via Cedar Ave – ‘Fats’ Dill on K795
1700 office
enquiries re A Dill – 10/6 offences
complete map of Derosa route
complete warrant re #2 Crane Lane, Pemb
1820 out – warrant signed
1835 Dr Stowe signs warrant

Friday 30th December 1988

0330 in re warrants – PS48, street team and dog
0400 on duty re warrants
out re searches – Crisson Lane & St Monica’s Mission

0800 retn office
0900 to JMC re Rodney Wilson
1010 case of R Wilson heard, change of plea, fine of $200 and 12 months disqual Ct#1
1015 Ct #2 re Coolridge Wilson, change of plea. 3 months imprisonment and disqual 12 months
1045 from Ct
1100 to office update diary & files re Wilsons above
1210 refs @ PRC
1300 to office and enquiries re Tuzo
1405 to HPS re Ivan Tuzo & Edward Desilva HMC
1440 Tuzo CT # 2, case moved to Ct#1, re warrants
1455 Desilva plea of guilty maintained, remanded i/c to 10-2-89 ~ 1430
1530 Tuzo enters plea of n/g to all counts. Court recess to seek legal aid and observe police evidence provided by self
1550 Tuzo change of plea to guilty receives fines and disq to 7-8-91
to HPS
1635 to office and off duty
update computer re Tuzo, C#31994
1800 Out & off

Saturday 31st December 1988

0730 in to office
0755 to PRC
0825 to office update files – computer re Moss C#32004
0900 on duty
computer enquiries re Canadian Hotel residents
1050 Patrol with 369
1700 off duty

Next – 01/1989 January
