Tuesday 8th November 1988
0830 On duty
0930 Court re Kevin & Richard Green – Kevin$400, Richard 3 months the Green brothers, regular arrests from Court Street or Middletown. Both sentenced in relation to minor drug matters.
1030 From HPS (Hamilton Police Station) i/c Mathews & Richardson with DC Mathews & DC Richardson, both of the narcotics department
1140 1045 ticket M851528 Darren Hewey – Manner Dangerous. To HPS for search MDA – negative 1045 – radio call for assistance. Just because one is a detective, there is no reason to believe the issue of traffic tickets, particularly for dangerous driving, is below you. Not appreciated by many in narco’ who considered these to be tasks for ‘uniform’ (‘wooden-tops’ as they are often reffered to in the UK).
1245 refs refreshments
1345 return to office
1430 Court again – a traffic matter from my days as a uniform constable.
1530 return to office
1750 off duty a day in excess of 9 hours (to become the norm) with no claim for overtime.
Wednesday 9th November 1988
0840 On duty at office. Call received from an informant re Vernon Dill
0912 to Court re Elroy Harvey
1040 Patrol PC Richardson
1300 refs
1400 patrol PC Richardson
1700 off duty
Thursday 10th November 1988
information received about Vernon DILL and his arrest …. click here for the details.
Sunday 13th November 1988
Rest Day
During the above days I attended H.P.S. at least once a day to see Vernon. I was booked in and out of the gaol area and Vernon remained in his cell throughout our meetings. Vernon was to remain in custody until Tuesday (Monday was a holiday) when he was due to appear in Court. I took Vernon books and fresh fruit, the cells are not pleasant and the food, whilst adequate, was basic.
I would have liked Vernon to have provided information enabling us to identify and pursue those who were supplying the drug to him. However, it was unlikely Vernon could give us a better arrest than we had in him and I suspect he knew this. To inform on his ‘associates’ could actually make matters worse. Who knows whether Vernon had an ‘insurance policy’ in the event of being arrested or if he was offered a deal in exchange for his silence by the suppliers.
When the matter went to Court, Vernon received 6 years imprisonment.
The person who gave the information resulting in Vernon’s arrest was not prosecuted, both he and his three associates (all of whom had been arrested in relation to minor narcotics offences which would have resulted in them receiving fines) had their offences disregarded. It was simply a matter of their attending the narcotics office and being admonished.
Tuesday 15th November 1988
1350hrs to DCI Office re ‘gift’
I was summoned to the Narcotics office, I had been left a presnt by Vernon and the office was alive with anticipation.
I had received a gift which had been deposited at the Narcotics office. The ‘gift’ comprised a card and a small, wrapped, package about 6 inches long by 2 inches by half an inch. I was informed the gift was from Vernon Dill and it caused much conversation and speculation within the narcotics office.
I was called to the DCI’s office to receive the gift but was not permitted to open it at that time, a decision was to be made about what to do with the items.
1605hrs To SOCO re gift photo. the SOCO (Scenes of Crime Office) took pictures of the gift sealed and as it was opened.
Opened in presence of Mr Moniz, Mr Ramsey, Mr Hull and found to be a card and pen.
Everyone had anticipated the gift being information about the cocaine suppliers or associated with the investigation. This accounted for the number of Officers present. Instead, Vernon had been kind enough to deliver a thank you note and a pen for me. The card said it all and read:
We use the word ‘wonderful’
so much that sometimes
it doesn’t mean what it should .
We should save it
for the best parts of life
for the special people
who bring us happiness
whose warmth and kindness
make them stand out
from all the rest…
for wonderful people
like you.
Thanks for being so thoughtful.
(signed) Vernon Dill
There is a lot to be said for Vernon taking the time and trouble to deliver the card. To anyone who has not had the pleasure of visiting Bermuda, Vernon’s act is indicative of the general character of the population. There is an overwhelming relaxation and kindness about their general attitude. Even in the face of adversity Vernon found time to appreciate and acknowledge the decency shown toward him.
Sadly, his behaviour was not indicative of all of those with whom I worked.
Monday 14th November 1988
0900 on duty
1100 To Hamilton re Dill enquiries in D6
1230 retn to office
1245 to lunch @ ‘Barbizon’, town.
1330 to office corres
1415 to HMC
1500 to office
1620 out with DC Mead
1700 off duty
Wednesday 16th November 1988
0830 on duty @ office
1200 refs
1300 to Spanish Point re enquiries & observations re Berkley School
1345 arrest Earlston Outerbridge to HPS
1445 to SOCO re photo of damage to uniform and injury and notes
1505 notes: Outerbridge completed c#8800027780
1510 to HPS
1755 off duty
1920 to office
1925 out
Thursday 17th November 1988
0700 to Ops re 06530
0745 to office
0830 On duty
0910 to HPS
0945 to office. statement & corres re Vernon Dill, with Rudi
1630 to HMC re warrant Crane Lane
1640 General Patrol St Monica’s mission
1700 off duty.
Why did we patrol St Monica’s Mission? For the same reason it deserves attention to this very day! Many years later and the area is still notorious for narcotics – nothing has changed … actually it has …. the area is now associated with the St Monica’s Road-based ’42 gang’ and firearms incidents.
It makes you wonder whether Government turns a blind eye to the increase in crime, the variations and expansion of criminal activity … whilst this fills the papers and hits the headlines, as people are caused to look the other way and fear for their own safety, the serious financial indiscretions that are too complicated for the constabulary to address (due to lack of resources and being complex), are not ‘in your face’ (they go on behind closed doors) can take place.
Friday 18th November 1988
0400 On duty re warrants – C#8800027968
Execute warrants – Bostock Hill E 1 x arrest. To Sandys re Wellman, 2 x arrests + exhibits
To office
1300 Refs
1400 Off duty
1515 On duty @ HMC for G Bean for trial
1600 Off duty
1930 On duty re warrant – Furbert address @ shelly Bay 4 x arrests
2330 To Narco office & off duty
Saturday19th November 1988
0815 To office
0950 To HPS re interviews of prisoner Simmons with DC Worrell
1000 Arrest of Michael Lewis and Desmond Allen re possession of drugs w/I (with intent to supply) case # 8800028067 refers
1005 Search Allen car @ HPS
Prisoners @ HPS
1143 Search of Allen’s address
1202 Leave address
1215 To SOCO with Allen fingerprints & photographs
1250 Allen to HPS gaol & interview, concludes 1305 hrs
1325 Refs
1410 Retn from refs
1440 To HPS interview re Simmons with DC Worrell
1541 To Narco office with Simmons & corres re Allen & Lewis
1640 TO HPS with Simmons, interview Lewis commences
1705 Interview concluded, Simmons with Barrister Farge
1735 Interview Simmons
1930 Statement concluded
Narco office
2000 Off duty
Sunday 20th November 1988
0845 on duty @ narcotics office, file updates, outstanding corres from uniform duty
1045 to HPS re bail Lewis, Simmons, Wellman
1120 Patrol, Court Street (city) St Monica’s. 1045 – C#8800028152
1200 to office. refs @ office. corres re files:
1. A Lee
2. A Allen
3. E Disilva
4. D Allen
5. M Lewis
6. R Outerbridge
7. D Desilva
8. R Wilson
1645 out to HPS re corres. R Wilson sub file to PS 245 PS 245 Edward ‘Coggy’ Gibbons
1700 to narco, Court Street Arrest L Ming c#8800028187
1705 to 253 re Ming -swallow drug
1735 HPS car searched in presence of Ming
1740 Drug exhibit shown to Ming
to Narco office re corres & computer Ming
1930 off duty
881120 diary
Monday 21st November 1988
Rest Day
1500 on duty Court re Dean EVE fail to fasten helmet N G plea! Guilty verdict $75 no time to pay, escorted i/c to HPS Ct # 3 judge.
1545 off duty
now that’s the way to do it. A traffic matter left over from my uniform days – reporting someone for not fastening their crash helmet whilst riding a motorcycle. Fined $75 and taken in custody until such time as the money is forthcoming
Tuesday 22nd November 1988
Rest Day
1100 on duty @ HMC re Leonard Brown ct # 3:
1. no helmet
2. no vehicle licence
3. no insurance
4. false pars’ (giving false particulars – name and address)
N G plea. guilty verdict. Total $550 & 6 months disq. No time to pay, to HPS i/c magistrate Mr Judge.
1210 off duty
Wednesday 23rd November 1988
0830 on duty for Court, to narco office re exhibits case of R Smith
0910 to HPS further exhibits in locker re R Smith & to HMC
1000 Smith fail to appear. all court #1 cases moved to Court #2. Set back for 30 minutes
1030 Smith non-appearance, warrant issued. off duty
1600 To Narco office on duty
statements for file re Dill – P.I.
File re disqual drive – Ivan Smith submitted to PS Gordon with Summary & offence report
1900 refs
2015 out with 386 & 369 in 06530
2020 arrest of Kevin Deshields. obstruction MDA case # 8800028474
to HPS re corres & process Deshields
2110 to Court Street
2115 arrest Leroy Burns poss. cocaine C# 8800048478
to HPS re corres & process above
2135 to 253 re injury to left knee / shin you’ve got to have a sense of humour. two arrests already today, the second requiring a quick trip to the hospital when ….
2152 arrest Rodney Burt @ 253 on warrant case # 8800028141 you run into Rodney, wanted on warrant and go for the hat-trick.
2300 arrest @ St Monica’s Mission, Brangman to HPS in company of Jack Henderson. and a couple more later
searched with negative result albeit only for searches this time
2400 off duty
Thursday 24th November 1988
0900 On duty, standby instructions of 633
1700 off duty
Friday 25th November 1988
0900 on duty and to HMC with PS Gordon re P I Paul Johnson
1025 to office
1047 to HMC re exhibit required ct#2 urgent
1100 to office complete file re Rodney Wilson corres. re Vernon Dill – check / proof-read statements
1300 to refs @ Hamilton
1400 to HPS re bail return DeSilva – re drug NFPA arrives at 1425 informed of negative result
1425 interview DeSilva
1510 To HMC re G Greene. permit premises for misuse of drugs
1540 Gerald Greene fail to appears
1610 To office
1630 to admin’ re despatch
1700 off duty
Saturday 26th November 1988
0945 on duty at HPS re prisoner Desilva charge & file re E Desilva
1030 HPS re Desilva – fail to appear – contact @ home address re appearance on 28-11-88, failed to appear due to outstanding warrants ($750)
1100 off duty
Sunday 27th November 1988
rest day
Monday 28th November 1988
0900 on duty @ office – contact PS Rush re G Greene file
0910 to HMC case of S Degraff – also warrants re E Desilva & file re G Greene
0930 court G Greene. n/g plea, adjourned to 7-3-88
1000 to HPS with G Greene re surety, Green in custody
1035 return to office
1050 patrol with 386 & 375, to West re service of ticket @ Casemates by 375
1115 arrest of Robert Bean C# 28886 refers.
1130 to HPS re Bean remain with 386, 375 to Casemates. bEan dealt with re drug equipment
1300 patrol, on foot, with 386 to Court Street re Arabian Chicken Enquiry – V Dill – closed
1315 return to HPS & meet 375
1330 Patrol of Court street, Middle Town, St Monicas
1440 arrest King Street of Jeffery Hill, possession of cannabis to HPS and corres.
1515 to HMC re J Cartwright, n/g possession of a controlled rug and drug equipment
1530 Change of plea. To HPS
1545 Patrol St Monica’s with 375 & 386 on foot
1630 patrol King Street & Middletown
1700 off duty
Tuesday 29th November 1988
0900 on duty at office
0930 patrol with 386, 375 & 369
1045 arrest @ St Monica’s Mission of Colin Simmons re poss. of cannabis C~29010 refers
to HPS
1130 to HMC re Robinson N/G – impaired driving
change of plea
1145 to narcotics office
1200 refs @ PRC
1300 office
1310 patrol with 369, 386, 375 to prosecutions, to casemates re statement by 369
1415 arrest John Edness, case # 29040 poss. of cannabis at Ord Road, Warwick conveyed to Somerset police station
1445 computer and corres @ West
1545 service of summons on Mrs Wellman @ home address on Cook’s Hill Road by 375
to casemates to collect 386 & 369
patrol dock area and return office
1650 to office and submission of exhibit Edness
1715 off duty
Wednesday 30th November 1988
0500 on duty re search at St Georges with PS 48, 369, 386, 375. One arrest to Narco
0730 off duty
0900 on duty & patrol with 375 & 386
0938 stop on Kings Street from Middle Town. Darren Boyles31.7.65 B’dian. search negative. Patrol of Court Street, St Monica’s, Middle Town areas
1115 to HMC re Richard Winfield Smith n/g poss drugs and assaults
1130 adjourned to 3-2-89, to HPS and D6 patrol with 375 & 386. Court Street, St Monica’s, Middle Town, incinerator areas.
1225 arrest incubator Shaun Simmons cro#52154 case # 8800029109 re poss of cannabis
1320 to office
1330 refs in town
1400 to office
1410 to HMC with 386
1420 return to office to collect 375 on route, Parsons Road, arrest I Paynter re Disq Drive by reason of age. case # 8800029217. searched MDA negative. asissted by task force with conveyance of prisoner to HPS. await Kilo Truck
1450 to HPS arrest ‘Horse’ Darrell, lookout by 386 re drugs offence
to HPS re computer corres
1600 patrol & to Narco office
1655 arrest Heys (Hayes) Johnson driving whilst disqualified on Middle Town Road, livery cycle C123 case # 29145 refers. To HPS re search of Johnson – negative
1750 to narco re issue ticket # M851560 to Johnson & computer entry
1830 off duty
Next – 12/1988 – December